Namaste, I’m Zac
Over the course of my career, I've held various roles and titles spanning diverse industries and mediums. What connects them all is my unwavering passion for crafting extraordinary visual experiences that leave a measurable impact.

My relentless pursuit of excellence coupled with my bias towards action and continuous improvement, has armed me with an array of mastered skill sets that are bedrock of my foundation that compounds my growth.
Fun facts

Pigment to pixels

I’m a classically trained artist with gallery representation in Texas and Utah and work in small private collections across the U.S.

Accessible interiors

UX has become an integral part of my life; I love applying design thinking to craft interiors and environments that seamlessly marry functionality with aesthetics.

Yoga & wellness

My wife and I own and operate the #1 rated boutique Barre & Yoga studio in the Phoenix area.  

Pay the farmer, or the doctor

Having spent nearly a decade in the organic foods industry, I developed a life-long commitment towards quality ingredient sourcing, sustainability, and nutrition.